6 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth!

1. Brush After Drinking or Eating

The best way to whiten your teeth naturally — though maybe not always the easiest — is to simply brush your teeth with an appropriate toothpaste after eating or drinking something. This takes a lot of persistence and can even be kind of difficult depending on where you are at the time of eating (such as work or school).

2. Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial agent and works great as a total mouth and gum cleaner and keeps the mouth free of germs. A good oral mouth rinse can be made using hydrogen peroxide; use half water and half hydrogen peroxide, swish around in your mouth for about one minute, and then rinse. Research shows hydrogen peroxide keeps breath fresh by eliminating bad bacteria due to acting as a natural antiseptic/antibacterial agent.  According to the Dentistry Network, it has many uses in dentistry today, with its most common application to whiten your teeth. It’s also capable of providing natural protection against gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis.

For another way to use this product, mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with a small amount of baking soda in order to make a paste that helps remove more plaque from teeth. A review published in the Journal of Dentistry found that in five controlled clinical studies on over 270 subjects those brushing with a baking soda dentifrice (toothpaste or powder) showed greater enhanced plaque removal effectiveness than those who used the non-baking soda tooth cleaning products. ( Results from measurements of patients’ tooth surfaces (such as facial, lingual, proximal and gingival surfaces) also demonstrated statistically greater reductions in mean plaque scores when using baking soda compared to when using baking soda-free products.

To use these products safely to whiten your teeth, brush your teeth as usual first, making sure to reach the back of the teeth too. Baking soda is a gritty substance like sandpaper, so be careful that you have enough hydrogen peroxide mixed in with the soda — because if you don’t it can very well scrub the enamel right off your teeth. This is a big problem, considering enamel does not grow back. The paste should not be gritty at all; in fact, it should be a runnier paste than a stiff paste. Rub the paste onto your teeth for about 30 seconds, then rinse well.

3. Coconut Oil Pulling

Can it be true? Coconut oil to clean your teeth? Just when you thought you heard it all when it comes to coconut oil, along comes the news that coconut oil pulling can serve as a natural teeth whitener. Some people attest to their teeth becoming whiter and overall healthier by applying coconut oil to their teeth after they brush, and most people praise the results of oil pulling.

To oil pull, simply put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it between your teeth for five to 20 minutes, or add a few drops to your toothbrush and brush it on. Another oral care option is to apply coconut oil to a corner of a clean washcloth and rub it on the teeth. A bonus regarding coconut pulling? Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties, so it’s great for protecting and cleaning your gums as well.

4. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

It makes sense that apple cider vinegar (ACV), which effectively works as a natural antibiotic and teeth/gum cleanser, would also be able to remove stubborn stains on the teeth. ACV is especially helpful for removing stains due to common culprits like coffee and nicotine (smoking). Some report that after using ACV it looks like you just got your teeth professionally cleaned!

What’s the secret of ACV? It contains compounds, including acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics and enzymes, which kill germs (dangerous “bad” bacteria) and at the same time foster the growth of beneficial “good” probiotic bacteria. Since it’s naturally acidic, it helps break down plaque or other substances stuck to the teeth. The pH of apple cider vinegar can remove stains from your teeth, which helps naturally whiten your teeth.

Take your finger and rub apple cider vinegar on your teeth for about one minute. Then rinse your mouth out with water or a hydrogen peroxide rinse.  

5. Lemon or Orange Peels

Similarly to apple cider vinegar, some swear that using citrus fruits — including lemon and/or orange peels, or lemon essential oil, which contain beneficial acids — also does the trick for whitening teeth. These foods overall are very healthy, such as benefiting digestion due to regulating levels of stomach acid, but the high acid content can also eventually wear away the enamel on the teeth if used too aggressively. Like with ACV, if you use lemon or orange peel on your teeth, always rinse your mouth afterward to be on the safe side. Use the hydrogen peroxide oral rinse formula described above for best results.

6. Strawberries and Other Healthy Foods

Rumor has it that some celebrities whiten their teeth with healthy foods like strawberries. Who would have thought? Berries contain many beneficial antioxidants and other compounds that can benefit the health of your teeth, but they’re not the only ones that keep your teeth looking great as you age. The quality of your diet overall is highly tied to the health of your teeth. Foods that can help keep your gums and teeth strong, plus free from diseases or signs of aging, include teeth-strengthening foods like: 

  • sources of calcium like yogurt or raw milk
  • foods high in magnesium and potassium like leafy green veggies, apples or pears
  • cage-free eggs
  • mushrooms
  • sweet potatoes, carrots or squash
  • celery
  • nuts like walnuts or almonds


Four Beauty Hacks The Pro's Swear By!

1. Stuck on how to get the perfect cat eye? Use a credit card to make a foolproof line.


2. Contouring can be as simple as the number "3."


3. Mix a little peppermint oil into your lip gloss to give your lips a plumping boost.


4. Use your lash curler to get the perfect eyeliner sitch.


Three beauty hacks you have to try!

The Holiday season is drawing to a close, meaning the return to classes for some and simply the transition to a new season for others. Whatever it means for you, it’s a perfect opportunity to hack your personal grooming for a revamped beauty routine.

1. Eliminate permanent sweat stains

Squeeze lemon juice onto a sweat stain before laundering to remove the stain completely.

2. Vaseline prevents messy self-manicures

Put Vaseline around the edges of nails before polishing to easily wipe away any stray marks without ruining your manicure.

3. Cool down sunburns with frozen aloe vera gel

Freeze Aloe Vera Gel in ice cube trays to treat sunburn.

10 Genius Lipstick Hacks Every Woman Needs To Know!

You know you have at least five lipsticks rolling around in the bottom of your bag. Here's exactly how to use them so you get the most out of your favorite shades.

1. Exfoliate dry lips for a smoother lipstick application with a clean, disposable mascara wand. Just apply a balm over your mouth first to give your lips some slip, so it's easier to slough away any flaky skin.

2. Keep lipstick off your teeth by sticking your clean pointer finger in your mouth, wrapping your lips around it, and pulling it out. Any lipstick that would have gotten on your teeth will be left on your finger.

3. Use your favorite pink lipstick of choice as a cheek color. Just be sure to blend it in with your finger like you would any cream blush.

4. Repurpose broken eye shadow as a lip color. If your favorite shadow crumbles and it's a color you'd also wear on your lips, store the broken pieces in a tiny container and mix what's left with some balm on a spoon, and then apply. 

5. Use a concealer brush to achieve an opaque, precise application.

6. Or, use a fluffy eye shadow brush to apply your lipstick if you want more of a stained, diffused look. 

7. Turn any lipstick into a long-wearing version with translucent powder. First, swipe on your lip color, hold a tissue over your mouth, and then dust translucent powder over it. A small amount of the powder with transfer onto the tissue this way, locking in your color.

8. If your lips have a lot of pink or red tones in them, pat concealer over them before you apply any lipstick to nude them out. This helps ensure that your lip color will look exactly how it does in the packaging on your lips; otherwise, the pink or red tones will alter how the color appears when you apply it.

9. You can also reshape your lips by first covering them with concealer, and then tracing just slightly outside your natural lip line with a lip liner pencil, making them appear larger. Continue to fill in your lips with the pencil for a matte look or finish with a gloss. 

10. Blot right way between applications to make your lip color last longer. Doing so removes excess oil on your lips from the first application, so that the second one grips it better and doesn't travel off of your lips as quickly.


Courtesy: Cosmopolitan Magazine

Is there such a thing as organic nail polish?

Organic nail polish sounds like a great idea doesn't it? But, sorry it doesn't exist.

Why There Isn't Organic Nail Polish

If you are trying to find a safer, more natural nail polish,  we can help you. 

  • Organic standards do not exist for nail polish.

  • Synthetic ingredients like plastic polymers are used to bind the color to the nails. Even the safest, water based formulas use them. It would be wrong to claim that a product is organic if it contains synthetic ingredients.

  • Nail polish has to stand up to everyday wear and so far no organic or natural ingredients can do the job. This is one product that at least for now has to be made with synthetic ingredients.


Choosing a Safer Nail Polish

So you now know that there is no such thing as organic nail polish and that you will have to have synthetic ingredients in your nail polish, the key to finding the safest ones are to look for brands that do not contain what is often referred to as the big three:

  • Toulene
  • Formaldehyde
  • Dibutyl Phthalate


These are ingredients found in many of the most popular brands of nail polish that are not as safe as acetate or acetone. You now have two ways to go when buying nail polish solvent or water based formulas.

Solvent Based Nail Polish

These polish formulas use safer chemicals like acetate or acetone. You may find these brands do not wear quite as well as some conventional brands but you are trading a little better wear for a safer product. These formulas dry quickly and provide a durable finish. They smell and act very similar to conventional polishes.


Eyebrow Threading vs. Waxing!

Perfectly groomed eyebrows can transform your face in minutes by playing up your beautiful facial features and framing your eyes. On the flip side, misshapen eyebrows can overshadow the facial features, and make you look tired or old. Moreover, the wait for the brows to grow back again can be excruciating.

There are many ways in which one can shape the eyebrows and remove unwanted facial hair. Methods like plucking, waxing and threading are popular. All these methods of shaping the eyebrows come with their own set of pros and cons. Here is a lowdown on each technique along with their good and bad points that will help you not only get but also maintain the perfect eyebrows.


Eyebrow Waxing

Eyebrow waxing is extremely popular and available at all major salons. This method of eyebrow shaping entails spreading a thin layer of wax over the area which has unwanted hair using q-tips or cotton balls, while holding the skin taut. Thin cloth strips are placed on top of the wax. The epilating strip is then rubbed in the same direction that the wax was applied. The strip is then pulled in one rapid motion to remove the hair and the wax. Now firm pressure should be applied with your hands to the waxed area. Remove any stray hair with tweezers, and clean the wax off your skin using baby oil. When using hot wax make sure that the highest-quality, low-temperature wax is used

Apart from strip wax for eyebrows, there are also the no-strip wax products. Apply the no-strip wax to the area from which the hair has to be removed. Wait for the wax to harden before pulling it out in the opposite direction to remove the hair.

 Things to Note:

  • Do not apply liquid wax on the same area twice as the waxing can make the skin sensitive, and reapplication of the hot wax can lead to rashes.
  • Close the eyes during the process to prevent any wax from going into the eyes.
  • If the wax falls on the lashes, use petroleum jelly and eyebrow comb to remove it.
  • Avoid waxing if you are taking acne medications, birth control pills, hormone replacement medications or antibiotics that can make the skin extremely sensitive.
  • Avoid using strong exfoliaters on the face before waxing as it can make your skin turn red and scabby

Waxing Pros

  • Gives you beautiful, defined eyebrows, and curved, polished arches.
  • The wax strips easily grab the fine hair.
  • Conveniently available at salons.
  • The pain, and the time taken is significantly less as compared to threading where small patches of hair have to be yanked out.
  • The hair takes a long time to grow back - approximately two to four weeks.

Waxing Cons

  • Some people are sensitive to waxing, and may develop rashes or other skin problems after getting it done.
  • The skin around the eyes is thin, and continuous stretching and pulling can be tough on it.
  • Inexperienced stylists can ruin the shape of the brows by spreading the wax on hair that is not supposed to be removed.
  • To wax your eyebrows, you will need wax, strips, a heater, applicators and wax remover.
  • Waxing can have side effects for people who are on certain medications or have certain health complications.


Eyebrow Threading

Threading is a hair removal technique that originated in the Middle and South East. In this method, hundred-percent cotton thread is twisted and rolled around. The esthetician puts the thread in her mouth, and pulls it taut to accurately remove each hair. The unwanted hair is then entwined around the thread, and yanked out of the hair follicle. It is necessary for to hold the skin tight while the professional removes the hair. Unlike popular notion, threading does not involve removing individual hair but rather removes patches of hair in a go due to the thread.

Threading Pros

  • This method of hair removal is great for people with sensitive skin as threading does not pull or stretch the skin.
  • People on acne medications or blood-thinning oral drugs can use this method of hair removal without having any side effects.
  • Depending on the skill of the salon professional, the time taken would be somewhere between fifteen to twenty minutes for both brows.
  • It is reasonably long-lasting as the hair is removed from the follicle.

Threading Cons

  • It is very difficult to find skilled threading professionals.
  • The thread needs to be positioned and maneuvered in straight angles to grasp the hair and remove it. It is thus very difficult to achieve the same degree of detail as waxing the brows.
  • If the salon professional is unskilled then the hair might be broken before it is removed from the root. This can lead to quicker growth. Moreover, inexperience can also lead to uneven brows, ingrown hair and not to forget, lots of pain.
  • When the eyebrow is threaded, there might be multiple passes with the thread over the same area. This can cause irritation and skin reddening due to friction.

Both the methods of eyebrow shaping with their individual good and bad points, give you beautiful, groomed brows. What you choose would depend on your personal preference and needs. Before shaping the eyebrows, discuss with the professional about the technique along with the shape that you want, and whether it would suit your face or not.

Article Courtesy: Beautisecrets.com

How To Choose The Right Mascara!

Are you still struggling trying to decide which mascara is good for you? You're not alone. Here's how to find one that's right for you. 

Step 1

Buy a mascara that look good to you. Pick them based on their objective (i.e, lengthening, volumizing), color, and brand. Try to use brands you've heard of before and have heard to be reputable.

Step 2

Use one at a time. Check for clumping, a gross smell, any irritation, or other turn-offs. Be sure that it doesn't crumble after a few hours. 

Step 3

Try primer mascaras. These prime your eyelashes for mascara to stick to your lashes, and not crumble onto your face.

Step 4

Read reviews from makeup artists, friends, and relatives. Many makeup gurus on YouTube post video reviews of mascaras they like and don't like.

Step 5

Avoid mascara advertisements and reviews that the reviewer was paid to do. These ads may be stretching the truth, and many models used in advertisements wear fake lashes to add the appearance that the mascara works very well.

Here's how to choose the right foundation for your skin! Organic Skin Care!

Matching your foundation to your cheek will make it look unnatural. Due to sun exposure and breakouts, the skin on your face isn’t really the same as your body. So wipe three different shades of foundation below your jawline then just blend it in. Whichever shade disappears is the shade you should choose. Be sure to use usda certified organic skin care products whenever possible.

Best Makeup Mirrors!

What Makes A Good Makeup Mirror?

Makeup mirrors are designed to highlight and zoom in on the subtle curves of the face in ways that standard mirrors simply cannot. The most thorough ones have adjustable side panels so a person can see the front of their face, and their profile from both sides, at the same time. This is the best way to actually know if they're applying makeup evenly on their cheeks and temples.

If you want to know how your makeup will look out in the real world, then the best light to use when doing your makeup is natural light. Since that isn't always an option, there are certain types of lights that best mimic natural light, such as pure white. Once you have found the best light bulb, make sure your makeup mirror has a magnification side.

Five times magnification is ideal for more detailed jobs like eyebrow plucking. Magnification can also help one examine their pores to make sure makeup isn't clogging them too much or causing blackheads. Considering the tremendous amount of pores humans have, it's a good idea to examine them regularly for any blockage.

Since you'll need your hands to do your makeup, you need a mirror that not only has an adjustable angle but will stay in place so you don't need to hold it. On the topic of angles, the more degrees a mirror can rotate, the better. If a person intends to put their makeup mirror on a surface, like a vanity table, they should look for one with a small base so it won't take up much room. If you plan on mounting your mirror to a wall, consider one with an adjustable arm so you can manipulate its positioning.

So, here are our picks for best makeup mirrors on the market today!

1.) Count on the tri-fold Jerdon JGL9W to provide an expansive view of your face. With its two adjustable side mirrors and four versatile light settings, you can use it for all of your prettifying needs, from eye liner to foundation.

2.) The Foxite FL10LFM makes the ideal travel companion thanks to its compact design that fits nicely into any purse or any piece of luggage. It offers easy hands-free viewing with a flip of the cover that folds back to become a stand.

3.) The KI Store offers luxury in a convenient and clever design, with a touch-operated sensor controlling the 16 LED lights around its rim. Perch it on a table or desktop and it can be rotated up to 180 degrees for the perfect angle.

4.) The classy Deco Brothers MM-002-1 comes in an easy-to-install, wall-mounted design that can conveniently fold away flush for a clutter-free counter space. It's a great choice for a smaller makeup area, where every bit of room counts.

5.) The Mirrorvana Rectangular Glass Surface offers a long reflective panel that can be manipulated to almost any angle. It's a non-magnifying mirror for anyone who doesn't like to see all those pores blown up to gargantuan size.

6.) The Conair BE122 is thoughtfully designed, and has a modern, sleek profile. Its fluorescent lighting is 30% brighter than traditional light bulbs, but also uses 60% less energy than they would. This mirror is constantly well rated.

7.) The high-quality, but relatively budget-friendly, Floxite FL10DS Cosmetic Mirror provides a soft, white light to highlight every detail of your hair and makeup, and it remains cool to the touch for added safety. It reflects your image 10x its normal size.

8.) The stylish Conair Oval BE47BR boasts an attractive and timeless oiled-bronze finish, and provides clear, fog-free viewing that makes for exceptional detailing, even while you are applying your makeup in the steamy bathroom.

9.) The two-sided Deco Brothers MM-007-1 provides an elegant touch to your bedroom or bathroom, and displays a clean reflection in a smooth, convenient, 360-degree swivel design. It is basic, but its price is difficult to beat.

10.) The intuitive and rechargeable Simple Human BT1080 illuminates automatically as your face approaches, creating a bright and natural-feeling light with its proprietary "Tru-Lux" system, and offering a pleasant 5x magnification.

Also, as a reminder, be sure to use usda certified organic skin care whenever possible.

Information Courtesy of: Wiki.ezvid.com


Is it your foundation that's breaking you out or....

Many of us have heard over and over again "skip the foundation if you have acne." Hummmm! Is it the makeup that's breaking us out or something else?

According to Cosmopolitan.com, the nasty bacteria living on dirty makeup brushes could cause zits to form. And the only way to get rid of it...drum roll please....is to CLEAN THEM! LOL!

It's really simple. Here's how:

1.) Fill a bowl with warm water. Place the brushes inside and soak to get all the gook off. 

2.) Use a gentle cleansing bar or liquid soap.

3.) Work in the cleanser. Don't forget to concentrate on the center of the brush.

4.) Rinse with warm water.

5.) Apply a hair conditioner.

6.) Rinse with cool water.

7.) Lay brushes flat on towel until thoroughly dry.

How to keep eyeshadow from wearing out!

Think Oil-Free

The reason eyeshadow slides into the crease of your eyes is because of oils, either naturally made by your skin, or from the makeup or organic and natural skin care products you put on your skin. 

Keep moisturizers and skin oils away from your lids if you plan to wear shadow. 

Don't Prime Eyes with Concealer or Foundation

A big mistake women make is to "prime" their lids with creamy concealer or their foundation. These tend to be too oily for the lids and only assist in the gradual slide of makeup into your crease. 

The Amazing Wonderful Eyeshadow Primer

Primers are one of those beauty products that many of us swear by.  Be sure to prime your face or your lids prior to eyeshadow application.

Eating for organic and natural beauty!

The guava fruit has a strong and sweet smell that's captivating. It's rich in Vitamin A and C. This tropical fruit is great for the natural skin and hair. It's actually a powerhouse in the nutrient department. It's loaded with folic acid, potassium, copper and manganese. These nutrients all help regenerate natural skin cells and combat hair loss problems. It's no wonder that several cosmetic companies use it in a number of hair and organic skin treatments and creams. 

Guavas are also a great source of Vitamin K, which helps in treating skin discoloration and problems such as dark circles, acne irritation and redness. Using this fruit as a scrub helps in improving the skin’s complexion and also removes impurities making the skin look younger and fresh. Guava contains an antioxidant called lycopene that helps in shielding your skin against the damaging UV rays. Since it contains about 80% water it also may help in keeping your skin hydrated and supple. Finally, because it's a rich source of Vitamin C, guava is a fruit that also helps in promoting hair growth. This may be a fruit you want to add to your grocery list.


How to take care of your skin using natural and organic skin care products!

Mark Denis P. Davis, M.D.
Dermatology, Mayo Clinic Health Letter Editorial Board member

One of the most common concerns people have when they visit a dermatologist is how to look after their skin. How can I keep from getting wrinkles? How can I stop my skin from aging? How can I make my skin look more youthful?

The cosmetic and cosmeceutical industry has recognized this, and this is a multibillion dollar industry created around finding organic and natural skin care products that will help.

What is scientifically proved to keep skin youthful? 

  1. Sun avoidance. There is huge evidence that sun damages skin. The more that skin is exposed to sun, the more it gets wrinkled and leathery in appearance. Dark spots and white spots are associated with long-term exposure to the sun. If you compare the skin of a relatively unexposed area with the exposed skin of your face, you will see what the sun does to your skin. 

Therefore, sun avoidance is the best intervention. If you are going to be exposed to the sun, wearing sunscreen is really important.

  1. Moisturizers. If your skin is drying out, you need to moisturize your skin. This is particularly true in cold, winter climates. The air outside is dry, as is heated indoor air. Skin is further robbed of natural oils when people take long, warm showers. In the hot, dry climates of places like Arizona, dried-out skin is also an issue. 

There is a lot of hype attached to skin-care products, and many false claims based on very little science. Although we tend to think that a more expensive skin-care product must be better, this is rarely so. Expensive products are not necessarily better. They might be better packaged, but often the cheaper moisturizer is just as good as the more expensive one. I generally tell my patients to use whatever they like to use and will use, whether it be the cheaper product or the more expensive one.

  1. Sunscreens. Hundreds of sunscreens are on the market. It is important that the sunscreen protect against both ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet A (UVA) rays. There are multiple products on the market. Regular application of sunscreens is key if you're going to be out in the sun. 

These are the fundamentals of skin care. Sun avoidance is perhaps the No. 1 strategy for avoiding wrinkling and aging of the skin. It is inevitable that you will develop a few spots as you get older. Almost everyone will eventually develop waxy growths that appear stuck on (seborrheic keratoses) and small, red spots called cherry angiomas.

So to summarize, if your skin is going to stay youthful, you should: 

A. Avoid direct sun exposure either by complete avoidance of the sun (preferably)

B. Wearing sunscreen when you are exposed to the sun.

C. Keep your skin well moisturized, especially in dry climates.


Smile Often!

"A woman is most beautiful when she smiles. Other than that, the most valuable tip I've learned is always use a skin moisturizer!" -Beyoncé 

If possible use all natural or organic skin care products for healthier and more beautiful skin.

Organic and Natural Beauty starts from the inside!

Carolina Gracia is a Los Angeles based Certified Makeup Artist, who is passionate and truly talented in her art. Carolina believes that beauty is more than just adding mascara and lipgloss. She believes that a woman radiates most beauty when she feels confident that she is beautiful, and it all starts with truly caring for herself from head to toe.  Carolina recommends using natural and usda certified organic skin care products whenever possible. This can help ensure beautiful and ageless skin.


Steam Room Benefits For Your Organic Health!

Sweating is good for us, scientists have determined. But we surround ourselves with air conditioning in the hot and humid summer days and try our best not to sweat. What a contradiction? Not really. We need to sweat, but as a human being we want to choose where we sweat and when.

The benefits of raising our core body temperature have been known and practiced in cold climate areas for millennium. You can find it in Europe in the form of old stone steam rooms in Finland and Sweden. You can also find the Turkish Hammam and the Japanese sauna.

It was always considered a purifying experience. The action the body takes to cool itself down – sweating – is known for its detoxification effect on the body. With increased heat, all the sweat pores open, allowing the sweat to pass through. Pores that have been blocked by antiperspirant, synthetic clothing, environment, pollens and animal dandruff are unblocked.

Some say that as much as 30% of our body’s waste can be removed through perspiration.

The increase in core body temperature causes the blood to thin, as it rushes to supply the cells with food for the cooling to take place.

With this action, capillary veins open and blood is supplied to the end of the extremities, an important element for those who are suffering from poor blood circulation, as is the case of diabetes.

Some people say they seem to sweat more in a steam room than in a dry sauna.

It is not always the case.

The sweat in the dry sauna evaporates immediately while in the steam room it stays on the body because of the high humidity in the air. Not only that, steam rooms can produce the same effect as dry saunas with less heat. The cooling action of the body is slowed down because the sweat does not evaporate as it does in dry sauna.

In traditional wet saunas or steam rooms, rocks would be heated with fire and water poured on them to produce steam.

Modern steam rooms are heated by steam generator and it is fed into an almost air tight room. This way the humidity in a room can reach almost 100%. Those rooms are usually constructed with a slanted ceiling to prevent the condensation from dripping on the users. They are usually constructed from tile and wood.

What health benefits steam room brings?

Decongestant: the benefits of steam rooms does not end there.

Unlike dry saunas, steam rooms are an excellent decongestant. Problems such as sinus congestion or asthma can be eased with the high humidity. In cases of stuffy nose and congestion most doctors recommend increasing the humidity in the room anyway.

How to obtain the best skin: benefits from steam rooms as well. Be sure to use usda certified organic skin care products.

Estheticians clean the face with steam, don’t they? It leaves the face with a beautiful, healthy glow. If it’s good for the face, imagine what it does to the whole body. It helps get rid of dead skin cells and acts as an nonabrasive peeling.

As for pain relief, steam rooms are excellent in soothing sore muscles and joint pain. The increased blood flow to the exhausted muscles cells, shortens the recuperating time. Joint pain, as the result of rheumatoid arthritis will get easier because movement becomes tolerable and with that increased movement through exercise.

Stress: Steam rooms have benefits in releasing stress as well.

Whether it is the heat, the sweat or the fact that you have committed yourself to doing nothing for the next few minutes (you can’t take reading materiel or electronics into a steam room), it helps in reducing stress. It is also speculated that the amount of adrenaline released into the blood stream is reduced with the increase of heat.

What to watch for:

  • Steam rooms may cause dehydration because you sweat out most of the water in your body. It is important to stay hydrated even if you do not feel the thirst. Limiting the time to 30 minutes or less is usually safe for most healthy people. If you feel faintness leave the room immediately. You might be suffering from dehydration.
  • Pregnant women, young children and those with low blood pressure and cardiovascular problems should consult a physician before starting using a steam room.


Top 3 Eco Friendly and Safe Organic and Natural Cosmetic Brands


Tarte Cosmetics

This line is cruelty free, made with naturally derived ingredients, and infused with minerals, vitamins, plant extracts and essential oils. Their products are formulated without parabens, mineral oil, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, synthetic fragrances and gluten.

My favorites: Amazonian Clay Finishing Powder $33, Amazonian Clay Matte Waterproof Bronzer $30, Lights Camera Lashes 4 in 1 Mascara $21.


Josie Maran Cosmetics

Super Model Josie Maran launched this non-toxic planet friendly, and high quality cosmetics line, their key ingredient is 100% Pure Organic Argan Oil that is harvested and pressed by women’s co-ops in Morocco. It’s free of parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances and dyes, petrochemicals, phthalates, GMOs, and triclosan. My favorites: Argan Enlightenment Illuminizing Wand $28, Coconut Watercolor Cheek Gelee $22.


Physicians Formula Organic

100% Free of petroleum by products, parabens, gmo’s, and synthetic fragrances. Formulated with 100% natural rice protein and organic tapioca starch, organic beeswax, organic soy and eco-olive. My favorites: 100% Natural Origin Mascara $9.95, 100% Natural Origin CC Color+ Be sure to use usda certified organic skin care products whenever possible.

Correction Cream SPF 20 $14.95.


Celebrity Beauty Secret "Shaving Your Face"

Yes! some celebrities shave their face. It is known to promote cell turnover, exfoliate your skin, and remove peach fuzz.

Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor were known to use this as part of their beauty regimen.

It is believed that it makes your skin much smoother. It also allows for better absorption of beauty products, diminishes the appearance of fine lines, and allows your makeup to go on beautifully. Celebrity Skin Specialist Kate Somerville is another known beauty queen who since her 20’s shaves her face. She uses a Gillette Mach3 once a week. Another popular tool used to shave your face is the $5 Tinkle. Shiseido also sells a popular facial razor. In Japan this beauty regimen is called Kao Sori, and has been followed for centuries as a tool to keep youthful skin.

Face Shaving is definitely a less intense form of dermaplaning or blading, in which the face is shaved with a scapel-like instrument removing the outer most layers of dead skin cells. It is a non-traumatic method of skin rejuvenation which will cost you around $150. 

It is recommended you shave at a 45 degree angle, do so very gently to not cut or scratch your skin. Some women prefer dry skin shaving while others lather up with a moisturizing face wash before shaving and after they are done moisturizing. Some women also like applying olive oil, coconut oil or vitamin E oil. Give this a try. Just remember to go easy on your skin. Be sure to use usda certified organic skin care products whenever possible. This will help ensure beautiful and ageless skin.

Facial exercise tips for problem areas which will tone and rejuvenate your skin!

By Carolina Gracia-Celebrity Make-Up Artist

For double chin

With the fingers very relaxed, use the thumbs to press gently into the muscle underneath the jaw. Start in the center of the chin and work upward towards the angle of the jaw bone. Repeat 10 times, twice daily.

For sagging jowls

Sit straight and lean your head back, now do chewing movements as if food is in your mouth. Repeat 10-15 times, twice daily.

For crow's feet and lines on forehead

Place two fingers above your eyes and gently press down while trying to raise your eyebrows up. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times, twice daily.

For open pores on the nose

Using your middle or ring finger, start making circular movements around your nostrils, over the tip of your nose, up the sides of the nose, finishing on the bridge of the nose. Repeat 10 times, twice daily.

Make this a daily routine, your face will love it and you will love your face. Also, be sure to use USDA Certified Organic Skin Care products whenever possible. This will help ensure more beautiful and ageless skin.

Carolina Gracia-Celebrity Make-Up Artist