Why I prefer Goat's Milk For Organic Skin Care!

You may have noticed an ingredient in some of your skincare products that have them smelling scrumptious? Yes, I'm talking about goat’s milk!

Goat’s milk is rich in essential fatty acids and triglycerides. The essential fatty acids have a unique PH similar to humans, so it is less irritating and more easily absorbed by our skin. These fatty acids and triglycerides are super moisturizing.

Goat’s milk is also loaded with precious skin minerals like selenium that is in turn loaded with vitamins, particularly vitamin A, the most important vitamin for the skin. As with other milks, goat’s milk contains lactic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). It assists in gently sloughing off dead skin cells and helping to hydrate and brighten the skin.

Goat’s milk has unique nourishing properties that make it the perfect ingredient to add to anything which touches your skin, from your shaving cream to your moisturizer. It is both an anti-aging wonder and a lifesaver for dry and sensitive skin. That's why I didn't hesitate to add it to our USDA Certified Organic Oat-Flax Facial Cleanser. It's a win-win for all skin types.