How To Get Your Partner On Board To A Healthier Lifestyle!

We’ve all seen those happy, fit couples: they chop salad ingredients together, post complicated yoga partner poses on Instagram and are constantly comparing their daily step counts.

But what happens when one half of a couple embarks on a life-changing fitness journey and the other member’s butt stays firmly glued to the couch?

1.) Communicate your needs — and what needs to change

2.) Know that compromise is key

3.) Reassure your partner it’s about you, not them

4.) Celebrate the small wins

Tips for Getting Healthy Together

  • Plan date night at home: Instead of hitting your favorite restaurant (and dodging temptations on the menu), try taking date night in and cooking a healthy dish together.

  • Get physical: Getting fit doesn’t have to involve the gym. Try a couples bootcamp in the park, play some beach volleyball or a game of tennis, or go out on the town dancing! Anything that gets you active together will have you both feeling great and wanting to move more.

  • Go food shopping: Okay, grocery shopping may not be your idea of a steamy date night, but it can be a great way to explore new foods and flavors together. If the shopping is usually your domain, bring your partner along and let him/her make suggestions. Look up a new recipe you can make together or find a local international foods market and try some out-of-the-ordinary products.

  • Sync your schedules: Getting on the same page with your partner can go a long way toward both of you achieving your fitness goals. For example, If you find yourself wanting to make time to exercise at 6 a.m. four days a week, but that leaves your partner suddenly responsible for getting the kids up and ready for school, making sure you’re both on the same page will ensure that you are able to stick to your goals long-term.

  • Plan for fun indulgences: Being a fit couple doesn’t mean you have to swear off your favorite foods. Once a week, plan to enjoy a special dessert or cocktail — then take the time to really savor it and each other! Having a treat to look forward to each week will help keep you committed to your healthy lifestyle the rest of the time.