Happy New Year 2019! This is our year!

This year is going to be one of the best ones yet. This is the year when you put your own needs first, when you honor where you are no matter what has happened or will happen in your life. As I prayed when the new year was approaching, God dropped into my Spirit “manifestation”. This is the year that His blessings will manifest 10 fold in our lives. This is the year of allowing things to happen the way God intended.

Can we also make 2019 the year of allowing ourselves to accept support? Yes! Can we make 2019 the year of treating ourselves without guilt? Can we make this year the year of self-compassion and helping others? You betcha!

Self-care isn’t just one thing, and it’s not the same thing to everyone. Basically, self-care means taking time to focus on things that contribute to your well-being. Self-care can be taking a bath, going to the doctor or therapy, scheduling thirty minutes for yourself to read at night, or simply saying no to going out. In 2019, try making self-care a priority. See if you can do something small for yourself every day — even if it’s taking five minutes in your morning to turn your phone off and enjoy your breakfast without thinking of work. Get creative!

Also, remember to have compassion for yourself. You’re not perfect, and there are going to be days when you’ll mess up. But guess what? That’s totally okay. Perfection is overrated anyway. Happy New Year!