Secrets To Sweat-Proofing Your Summer Makeup!

1. Start with the proper base.

The way you care for your skin is just as important as the makeup you apply to it. "Use an oil-free moisturizer in the morning," says celebrity makeup artist Fiona Stiles, adding that you should opt for an oil-free foundation formula to match. 

2. Invest in a primer.

You won't regret the few seconds it takes to apply a primer, which goes on after moisturizer but before face makeup. "Primers are definitely the way to go in summer," says New York City-based makeup artist Ashunta Sheriff. "They don't feel at all like a heavy, additional layer, and they really help hold makeup in place."

3. Bronze believably.

"Bronzer makes your eyes look brighter, your teeth whiter — everyone looks better with a little warmth added to their skin," says New York City-based makeup artist Troy Surratt. To keep the results looking fresh and natural, he recommends applying bronzer just to the high points of your face, where the sun naturally hits you: forehead, cheekbones, chin, and nose. (Covering every nook and cranny is what gives you that fake, baked look) Powder bronzers are the easiest to apply; look for one with varying shades — they'll blend together for the most authentic-looking results. You can also sweep a little bronzer onto your neck and earlobes, especially if you have short hair or are wearing a pony­tail.

4. Keep things light.

If you want to keep your makeup from creasing and caking, say it with us: Less is more. "If you can, just use a tinted moisturizer and a concealer where you need it," says Stiles. "Makeup likes to move around when it's hot, so the best way to avoid that is to wear less of it."

5. Skip the shimmer.

Everyone loves a nice glow, but there's a big difference between a healthy radiance and an over-the-top shine. "Avoid cream foundations or anything too luminous, as the humidity will make you extra shiny and sweaty-looking if you have too much sparkle on your skin," warns Stiles. And as always, be sure to use USDA Certified Organic Skin Care Products before applying your makeup.